Automated photovoltaic module manufacturing



The main result of theis project is a new technology for the manufacture of photovoltaic solar modules, based on the Pick&Place technique. Project goal is to be ready to produce and sell modules with this technology at the end of the project. For that we need to prove the concept, optimize the process, qualify the product, qualify the foundries and set up a design kit for the customers.

The feasibility of this innovative concept will be demonstrated by laboratory testing and after that will be integrated in a sensor IoT device, covering the whole vertical integration process, from the manufacture of the module to the final product. This type of design allows us to produce sensors and devices that do not need to be connected for battery charging, which is key to our business strategy, and will serve us to study this type of products in order to better understand customer needs and position us better in the market.

The consortium is composed by 2 SMEs: TST (Spain) and SolarCapture Technologies, United Kingdom. TST will take the challenge to develop the technology and will coordinate the projetc. SCT will be the main customer for this product. Both together cover the two steps of the value chain from the cell provider up to the final customer.

Pick & Place
Pick & Place