Cognitive radio & opportunistic use of radio spectrum



QoSMOS is a 3-year Integrated Project that aims at researching, developing and integrating a cognitive radio framework to enable mobile broadband systems to improve utilisation of licensed and/or unlicensed frequency bands, by adding dynamic exploitation of under-utilised spectrum.

The technical focus lies in the opportunistic use of spectrum combined with managed Quality of Service (QoS) and seamless mobility.

QoSMOS will research and develop the tools and techniques that allow opportunistic use of radio spectrum where users are moving, while receiving a managed Quality of Service (QoS).

In his involvement in the project TST’s work has focused on the definition of the architecture developed to achieve that end, and within it in shaping the Adaptation Layer (AL) which serves as a connection point between the other elements of this architecture , enabling their communication while performing a task of abstraction between different RAT (Radio Access Technologies). TST has also actively participated in the work focused on the achievement and maintenance of adequate QoS rates and the interaction between the two cognitive managers that are part of the system.

As part of its work, TST has conducted demonstrations of its developments in various international forums such as FuNeMS 2012 in Berlin and DySPAN 2012 in Bellevue, and events like QoSMOS Industry Briefing in London or QoSMOS Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Seminar in Washington DC. TST had the opportunity to present to the audience Adaptation Layer’s features and benefits or the interaction between this AL and a database of TVWS (TeleVision White Spaces) frequencies, demonstrating how to access and collect data in a database TVWS real data, namely providing data for Britain.