Cooperative System for Avalanche Rescue



SICRA (Spanish acronym for Cooperative System for Avalanche Rescue) plans the design, development and field validation of an innovative localization and victim rescue management system for snow avalanches. SICRA will combine cooperative networks, satellite navigation technologies, radio based geo-localization, intelligent assistants to help rescue teams and the integration with a control center to coordinate and manage the rescue more efficiently. Therefore SICRA is a prototype development project where several companies with complementary know-how collaborate together.

No doubt that the introduction of new communication and localization technologies embedded in personal devices will have a huge impact on rescue processes and will increase the success chances of emergency teams. The results will be relevant internationally due to the high visitor number of ski and snowboard ressorts, specially in Europe and North America. The result of the R&D activities developed in this project will be useful not just for avalanche rescue teams, but also for other catastrophe scenarios such as earthquakes, tsunamis, defense, etc.

The result of the R&D activities carried out under the project will, therefore, imply a significant impact on technology and infrastructure to be used not only by professional teams in avalanche victims rescues but also for other applications such as: disaster management teams, earthquakes, tsunamis, defense, etc.