TST participates and exhibits in the FI- WARE event held in Santander


Santander City hosts a 3-day event, from October 16th to October 18th, which serves to introduce FI-WARE, a new service infrastructure for building innovative applications in the Internet of the Future (IoT), and FI -Lab to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as the ideal platform to start their work on Smart City projects. Thus several briefings, conferences and a new Hackathon dedicated to the applications in an Smart City are being currently held.TST has a booth at the event where their products and technology initiatives with a view to their application in the Smart Cities are presented, with visitors like the mayor of Santander the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and the rector of the University of Cantabria.

In addition TST is actively involved in the hackathon held in parallel, doing demonstrations using TSmarT platform and working closely with other developers.